House Quinotaur Sigil Sample Banner
Benefits of Membership:

There are many benefits to membership within our House. However, to fully appreciate them involves a certain commitment on your part. There are some very basic tangible ones we can list for you, and afterwards some of the not so tangible ones that require effort and self-reflection.

Tangible Benefits:

  1. Support from like-minded people
  2. At least one email list where you can post ideas, thoughts and questions to learn more about being Quinotauri, psi and magic(k)
  3. A website with information about being Quinotauri, others with the fundamental need to exchange energy, support and ideas
  4. Contact with other Quinotaurii near you
  5. An open-minded and non-exclusive membership

Intangible Benefits:

  1. A greater knowledge of who and what you are, history, genealogy and the world's various cultures
  2. The possibility of renewing normal Family ties
  3. Empowerment, confidence and a sense of Home
  4. Psi and Magic(k)al knowledge