House Quinotaur Sigil Sample Banner
Energy Exchange Network (EEN):

As of October 2001, it was decided our House would attempt to set up an Energy Exchange Network for our members. We are interested in finding people worldwide to become affiliated with our House for this purpose.

In more detail you must meet the following criteria to become affiliated with us:

  • Willingness to supply energy or blood to one or more full members of House Quinotaur
  • Willingness to show the results of a recent blood test (if a sang donor) with a designated full member upon meeting them.
  • Age of Majority (for your country, generally 18)
  • Agree with the Veil

All new Donors are probationary affiliates until a designated full member of House Quinotaur can meet with them at least once.

We strongly encourage you to investigate other groups. We believe our House will prove to be a benefit to Donors, however there are other groups out there with similiar needs.

Our Vampire Groups section, and Real Vampires section will provide enough information to you so you may make an informed decision about being a Donor and which group you may want to affiliate with.

To apply for affiliate membership please fill out the following:

Your Email:

Your Age: Your Sex:

Your Country and Province/State/Region:

Your City:

What type of Donor are you?
(check all that apply)
Not Sure Yet
Blood/SangEnergy (Prana/Psi)
SexualBDSM (and the energy derived from such)

Why are you/wish to be a Donor?

Tell us anything else you would like us to know:

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