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Energy and Donating:

It takes a skilled donor to successfully donate energy in a consistent and useful way to a vampire. While it is relatively easy for any vampire to simply take energy, to donate for an extended period of time it is important to learn how to cycle energy properly. This is a skill both the vampire and donor must acquire.

Cycling energy effectively refines it, making it more potent and useful for the one in need. Learning to sense, send and take energy as well as how to ground will all aid in eventually learning to cycle it.

In general you ideally want to create an energy loop between the vampire and donor.

  1. The vampire take energy from the donor.
  2. The vampire uses some of the energy or stores it, while allowing the rest to be taken back by the donor, after the vampire has cycled it through their own subtle body.
  3. The donor takes a slightly lesser amount from the vampire.
  4. The donor cycles the energy through their subtle body, refining it and making it more potent.
  5. The vampire takes the new energy from the donor.
  6. Back to step #2.

If you think of gasoline you have bronze, silver and gold. The vampire takes bronze energy from the donor. This energy becomes bronze-silver. The donor takes the bronze-silver energy and makes it pure silver. The vampire takes the silver energy and so on. It is a refining process on an energetic level.

Below is an image showing two people and the chakras exchanging energy. This position with hands on each other's heart or Herz chakras is a good way to begin learning the feel of each others' energy as well as the giving and taking of it.

Energy Exchange