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Orders within House Quinotaur:

Our House is a large one, and at times can make both learning and friendship difficult. As such, we recognize the need for specialized learning, growth and increased interaction between our members.

Orders may be formed to aid in the facilitation of this. They may be formed for magickal, religious, social or any other reason at the discretion of the Council of Quinotaur.

The following is a general set of guidelines when forming an Order, which the Council will look at to ensure they are both written and being adhered to:

  1. The Order has at least 3 members interested in joining it.
  2. It does not duplicate any existing Order.
  3. How membership will be determined.
  4. How ranking (if any) will be determined.
  5. What the goals and purpose of the Order are.
  6. The Order is not based on geography. (while you may have special requirements for members to get into the Order, you can not determine membership due to where someone is located)
Some general points regarding Orders should be noted:
  1. Orders within House Quinotaur are answerable to the Council of Quinotaur.
  2. At least one Founder must be present in each Order. However, they do not hold any rank or vote, unless they go through the normal membership process.
  3. Members of Orders hold no special rank or privilege within House Quinotaur outside of the Order itself.
  4. The Founder of an Order must be a full member of House Quinotaur.
  5. As long as the Order allows, members can hold membership in more than one.

In short, the Council of Quinotaur has final say regarding the formation of any Order within our House, regardless of any of the points above.